Saba is Masters in Psychology and a fine Consultant who is well versed in all areas of Psychology and HR. She has an experience of more than 20 years, especially in the areas of Organizational Psychology and Screening & Vetting candidates during recruitment. She has devised many analytical tools for clients in assessing the behavioral and predict performance outcomes during the recruitment & selection phase. Her ability to conduct effective TNAs, implement and then consolidate training interventions to cure the prevailing issues. As an organizational Psychologist, she has vast experience of working as a consultant in local and cross-cultural organizations.
She considers superior coordination and communication can help deliver multiple tasks within a deadline without being mentally fatigued, stressed and burned out. Further, Self-Management is the core essence of one’s success and living a healthy life. Her trainings and consultancy revolves around the aspects related to Organizational and Employee Psychology. As an organizational psychologist and consultant, her focus has always been on making the human experience of work as positive and meaningful as possible. She strongly believes that success comes through selecting, retaining, and developing the right people by understanding the psychology of culture-fit.
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